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It seems that infamous cult apologist Massimo Introvigne has a crush on me. Nearly everything that comes out of his computer mentions my name, no matter what the subject is.

His last text «European Court of Human Rights: “Scientology Cannot Be Banned in Russia”» (https://bitterwinter.org/european-court-of-human-rights-scientology-cannot-be-banned-in-russia/) is no exception. 

 Introvigne could just have enjoyed himself by writing gleefully about the latest legal triumph of his beloved Scientology. Yet, even when reporting this cult-gratifying event, Introvigne expresses his personal disappointment that the ECHR did not mention the name of the main villain of the story –that is to say my humble self. Here is his statement:

The ECHR noted that, while until 2014 Russian courts regarded Scientology as a religion (although one they did not like), from 2014 the Justice Department and the courts relied, in addition to expert reports declaring Scientology extremist, on a report of 2013 of theCommittee of Experts on Religion of the same Justice Department, which had concluded that Scientology is not a religion. Although this is not mentioned in the ECHR decision, this so-called Committee of Experts was an active promoter of the anti-cult ideology, and the notorious anti-cultist Alexander Dvorkin was a main force in the committee.

Sad to say, Mr Introvigne’s conclusion is – yet again - far from the truth. I had absolutely nothing to do with the Committee of Experts which concluded that Scientology is not a religion (though I happen to agree with them on this point). I am the vice chairman of the Committee of Experts at the Federal Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (about the competencies of this Committee see here (https://iriney.ru/main/polemika/about-the-ministry-of-truth-of-american-cult-apologists-or-an-answer-to-jason-morton.html). The expert opinion concerning the Moscow Church of Scientology (at that time the only Scientological ‘religious’ organization in the country) was prepared by the expert Committee at Moscow City Department of Justice, which is an entirely different Committee, which shares no members with our Committee.

The decision of the ECHR (whatever one thinks of it) clearly states which Committee was concerned. It is hard to believe, as Mr. Introvigne is a lawyer, that he would fail to notice this. So, we might conclude that this is just one more mercenary lie. The very approach recommended by Scientology’s creator, Ron Hubbard in his policy on ‘shore stories’.

Alexander L. Dvorkin

23.12.2021 г.


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